Male Voice

I was thinking that since we have such opinionated readers, we should have them contribute a topic. I'm opening the floor to our male readers, all 4 of them. Hey, a girl will take what she can. I'm looking for something to incite a riot, um, discussion. Got any questions for us, pet peeves maybe? So boys(Men), what's on your minds?



So@24 said...

Syllabus #5

You may choose to respond to any one of these topics. If you think of something else that is not one of the ones listed below, you may ask the proctor if your topic is acceptable.

You have 20 mins to complete your response. Pencils up. And begin.


The Problem with Wingmen

"He's Just Not That Into You"

"Relationships between an Ex's Mother"

Wylie said...

-Classroom door opens, heads look up-

Professor B, I'm glad I caught you. Wanted to offer some augmentations to the syllabus. Class--Please treat these not as questions but as topics of discussion. I'm sure it'll be an informative and learning experience for everyone.

Worst Mistakes Ever In Bed (perpetrated by your partner or perhaps by yourself). Please include analysis and preferably anecdotes. I'm sure the males will chime in.

Your First Kiss - Let's bring it back to Middle School (or college in the case of Val) and gets all nostalgic-like. First Kisses are, in my experience, ALWAYS a good story.

And if you want to make things really messy... let's chill on the boys/girls/sex and dive into something that is bound to make people angry... Do You Believe in God and Why or Why Not?

ok class. You may get back to your blue books.

Nik said...

Yay!!!I could do a little dance!! I knew I could count on you all. Keep up the good work.

Val said...

wylie, wylie, wylie. while i appreciate that your humorous remark was meant to garner a few chuckles, i would appreciate in the future if you refrained from telling tales longer than ...


I demand a retraction and a publicized apology.

Wylie said...

Oh oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean you had your first kiss in college, I meant you hooked up with Michael Errico in college! Gosh I'm such a loony! My bad... Sorry bout that girlie... -friendly shoulder punch-

dj said...

excellent topics boys. i think we might have some work cut out for us...onward!

Val said...

he had an accent, i got confused...

at least i don't go for crazies or Republicans - cough cough -

Wylie said...

I'm innocent, I never knew. I mean she went to Oxy for christ's sake what are the odds?

Damn that girl.

Michael Errico,


Val said...

and your excuse for Crazy is ... ?

Gibwa and Alison,


Wylie said...


Trust me, it's how we work.

Are you going to copy this sign-off style as well or do you have some come-back ideas of your own,


Nik said...

i'm still stuck on "worst mistakes ever in bed". i think you should write that post W. i have a feeling there is a story there and i can't wait to hear it.

also, love you blog so@24. of course we know it's your B. i've only met you once and knew by the eyes. next time, use a less distinctive feature. ;)

Val said...

AK - not hot. big boobs but not hot.

GK - hot i'll give you, but not worth the fallout.

to summarize, "I don't see what the big deal is"


So@24 said...

Who would have thought you could pick out my unique eyes after talking with me in a poorly lit bar for 10 mins?

I guess that's why people blur them out on TV.


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