The First Kiss

I woke up this morning around 3 am couldn't go back to sleep for an hour. I hate that! While I lay there willing myself back to sleep, I start to think of topics to post here. My favorite one is, The First Kiss.

The first time you kiss someone you are attracted to has so much riding on whether you'll continue the association. Whether you've just met the person a few hours ago at a party or you've known them for some time, you still want the first time you lock lips to be...mmm, yummy. Yummy is my word for things that make me feel good. Moving on. The first kiss should be all about exploring the other person, not diving in tongue first. (Ew! Cut that mess out.) Being aware enough to note the other's reaction to what you're doing, or not doing. They say a woman knows withing five minutes of meeting you if she'll sleep with you. I'm inclined to agree. However, if the first time you kiss her sucks, it's an automatic DQ. I'm just saying.

Regardless of all that, I like to know that my instincts were right. Mmm, yummy. ;)


Deanna said...

the first kiss is so important, you're right. and i've had a lot of not-so-nice ones. they definitely reveal if you have chemistry with someone or not.

JerseySjov said...

i don't think ive ever had a bad first kiss, but ive had some real knee-tremblers, which makes even the good ones pale in comparison

Deanna said...

ok - how are you both lucky enough to have not had a bad first kiss?! i call not fair on this one.

Nik said...

i didn't know there was such a thing. i hear you jersey on the knee-tremblers. what about the kisses that years later they still make you quiver? again, yummy

JerseySjov said...

i think that most of my first kisses are so good because ive built them up so much in my its a balance of physical feel-goods and mental warm-fuzzies.
the real problem is keeping things hot once the first kiss is over

MRR said...
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Mo said...

I agree. (Yes, ladies I'm back!) I too, have had LOTS of really bad to mediocre kisses and I hate to say it, but it totally changes my impression of a person immediately. Girls, have you also found that sometimes the boys that are WORST for you are the ones whose kisses are the BEST? What's up with that?

Lip Smacker said...

Ok, as someone who feels that kissing should be an Olympic sport, I totally agree with your statement here... the kiss can seal or break the deal for the night..!!

LOVE your blog!!! I can't wait to read more...come on over and visit my blog anytime too!

Trixie Firecracker said...

First kisses are always the best, although not all people are good kissers.

Btw, "They say a woman knows withing five minutes of meeting you if she'll sleep with you." = totally untrue. I find there's not enough time to learn about someone in those 5 minutes to know if you want to sleep with them. I'm thinking of other things in those 5 minutes (such as How Not To Be Awkward)!

The Charming Hedonist said...

My favorite are the awkward moments leading up to it until finally someone breaks. I love that!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.