Dear Male Friend:

Hi. Your friend "Platonic Girl Buddy" here. How are you? Good, me too. So I was wondering, do you ever stop to think about how you talk about other girls in front of me? No? Didn't think so. Now, of course I don't care if you drool over that busty blonde at the end of the bar, or if you do a double take at that gorgeous brunette sweeping by us on the sidewalk. Nor do I mind when you go on (and on...and on) about Carmen Electra's rack, or Kim Kardass...ashian's, well, ass. Yes, they're nice. I don't mind these conversations, so long as I can chime in about Daniel Craig's broad shoulders and abs of steel (I'm salivating as we speak).

But it's when you start picking girls apart that I feel the need to object. "Did you see Janet? That girl's sure packed on the pounds" or "Dude, what is up with Tina's ass, why is it so HUGE" or any comment equating a girl's boob size to an unflattering object (ironing board, for example). You don't think this makes us a bit uneasy, considering most of us aren't exactly Cindy Crawford?

I'm all for ogling beautiful people -- let's just keep it in the realm of who's hot, as opposed to who's not. Oh and for the record? Telling a girl she has (and I quote) "child-bearing hips" will get you nowhere. Absolutely nowhere.


So@24 said...

Ex-squeeze me? Baking powder?

Anonymous said...

Bumblebee tuna!

Val said...

"you're so vain, i bet you think this song is about you"

So@24 said...

Ooooh! Some Carly Simon!

I prefer, "Jesse! I won't cut fresh flowers for you"

Anonymous said...

"I smell like I sound, I'm lost and I'm found, and I'm hungry like the wolf!"

Val said...

mine was better

Trixie Firecracker said...

I would smack any guy who picks apart girls in front of me. It's unfair - it doesn't matter how they look, they can be totally overweight slobs and its fine with them but we have to look like supermodels...unfair?

Trixie Firecracker said...

Speaking of which...I showed my friend that sex scene from the Ang Lee movie Lust Caution. His immediate response was "hot, but she has a huge bush and hairy armpits"

I wanted to kick his ass. Temporarily at least.

vicdamonejr said...

The catch:

If a man can't talk about women negatively in front of you, you can't do it either. You have to give it up, too (concerning women).

And don't say you don't do it. All women do.

Good post, though.

vicdamonejr said...


I'd be scared to be around you considering that this is a "smackable" offense. What else would you smack a man over?

Trixie Firecracker said...

This one guy picked apart this really thin girl for not having boobs. Oh and I get the "you'd be hotter if you had boobs" thing a lot. Dude, what you're seeing in magazines are either 1)fake, 2) freaks of nature or 3) photoshop. Oh and guys talk about how they hate it when girls pick at their food but expect us to have good bodies...but I'm reserving my ire for a full entry on that one.

Anonymous said...

@ Vicadamonejr...

Excellent point.

Nik said...

vicdamonejr - welcome. you better know what you're doing when you post here. we have some very passionate bloggers.

leo - get a damn blog already!!