All You Have To Do Is Ask

Once upon a time, I recently went to a Bachelorette Party. All the fair princesses in attendance were frolicking merrily as they played games, watched the Guest of Honor open presents, and ate an inappropriately decorated cake.

However, all was not well as the *cough* "jesters" were late. Very late. And verily the princesses did leave, unable to wait any longer for the extremely unprofessional jesters to arrive. They left one by one, two by two, until the court's number dwindle to barely half the attendance. Sadly, I was to take my leave.

But wait! What is this!

The Matron of Honor made a grand announcement. The goodly neighbors volunteered to entertain the court this night. And lo, it came to be that two (and a half) goodly neighbors did dance around and all the princesses in the court were entertained.

And what is the moral of this story, my fair readers?

It is that, as much as we seem confused, frustrated, angry, or saddened by our relationships (or lack thereof) with men, tis a simple truth that shines through - a guy will take off his pants for you in a heartbeat. All you have to do is ask.


Unknown said...

brilliantly written, my dear.

Mo said...

This has got to be one of the most awesome experiences ever. And I'm pissed that I wasn't there. :(

Anonymous said...

I was there...and lo, twas awesome. Dear Sir R, we know you've done this before. The thong told all.

T!! said...

Mo, perhaps I can schedule a repeat performance...

And yes. Sir R totally knew what he was doing. Thong + rip away pants = Experience.

Mo said...

Do it!!!! Repeat performance! Let it be so! (Clap Clap)