Mo's Perfect Approach - Stranger

So a few nights ago, a bunch of us heifers went out to celebrate one of us heifer's birthday. Accompanying us were two lovely gentlemen, one of them being our beloved Sebbie.

Seb is one of those "enlightened" lads - wicked smart, talented, funny, charming and cute (god knows WHY he's still single, but anyway), and totally the opposite of asshole or caveman as any guy could be. Like really. Don't make him tell you otherwise.

But I digress... what I'm trying to say here is that later that night, Seb brought up a really good question and "required" all us girls to answer it on the blog: "What, in your opinion, constitutes the perfect approach by a guy?" I then forced him to narrow it down to the slightly more specific "perfect approach by a stranger." I think he wanted to read all of our opinions and get a sense of our personalities, likes and dislikes and whatever. So I'll entertain him... Before I do, a disclaimer: I am a nerd and so how I like a man to approach me might be TOTALLY different and dorky compared to most girls out there. So please don't judge too harshly?

Let's see... Scenario One: The Bar
Okay, here's the deal: there is about a 15-85 chance that any guy trying to pick me up in a bar is going to succeed. The reason being that, well, it's a bar, and this environment creates an immediate handicap to any guy trying to approach me. I'm at a bar to have a good time, not to pick up men (forget that I'm attached and pretend I'm single.) I see most guys who are at a bar trying to pick up women as NOT the kind of guy I'd want to go on a first date with. The few men that are there and ARE the type I'd say "yes" to will have a harder time piquing my interest than if they were in most any other environment. Oh, and bars are usually loud. Not good for striking up convos. And I like conversation. But for the sake of argument, here's an ideal situation:
1) You approach me (preferably when I'm standing by the bartender about to order a drink), and say "Hi, I'm _______. I was wondering if I can buy you a drink?"
2) Provided that I have "looked and liked" (and here's the superficial, yet true reality: If you're not my type, then the buck stops here), then I will say, "Sure. I'm Maureen." And we shake hands.
3) You ask me a non-creepy question. A good one would be: "So, are you originally from Southern California?" or "What do you do?" (as cliche as that Q is, it's still pretty acceptable.) A bad one would be: "So, are you here alone?" or "So, what's a pretty girl like you doing ordering her own drinks?" (that last one was a question that was really asked of me.) Here is a moment of great delicacy, precision, and astuteness. If you are a man blessed with a talent for observation and possess great intelligence, humility, and sincerity, you are guaranteed to ask me non-creepy questions and we strike up a wonderful conversation where I ask you questions and you answer them truthfully. You are humorous but not overly so. And you... also pay attention to me.
4) If, in the most ideal and luckiest of situations things go splendidly, and I do not excuse myself "to go back to my girls" or say something along the lines of "thank you for the drink, it was great meeting you, but I have to go now" then you can ask for my number.
5) Here's how you ask for my number: "I'm sorry that I'm taking up so much of your time. I know you came with your friends and I don't want to hold you up. But I was wondering... could I call you sometime? To tell you the truth, I think you're awesome and I want to keep chatting with you."
6) You, sir, are officially a winner. Behold, a pen has appeared. It is almost guaranteed that if I like you A LOT, I will also end the conversation with: "I think you're awesome too... and YEAH, you better call me!" And yes, I will hug you or kiss you on the cheek in case you need more convincing that I'm into you.

Scenario Two: Blind Date or First Date after Internet Interaction
Now THIS is a real-life example of a successful blind date:
1) We set up a day, time, and place to meet. You will allow me to make some recommendations instead of making them right off the bat. We coordinate/schedule as needed. (e.g. "I'd love to meet you soon. What's a good day for you? Where would you like to go?")
2) We meet at the designated place. You are not late, or at most, you are 10 minutes late and if this is the case, have a good excuse and apologize.
3) We converse. (See scenario one for a relatively good guideline.) You listen more than you talk. You ask good questions. You're a little funny. You allow ME to gauge your personality and intelligence - you don't volunteer things that are blatantly "showing off."
4) At the end of the date, you walk me to my car. You say something like, "I had a really great time. I mean it. Thank you." We hug. (I will hug YOU. Don't move forward assuming that I'll accept it.) You then say something like "Can I get in touch with you sometime?" I say of course.
5) You actually, truthfully, get in touch with me. And I'm one of those girls who doesn't mind whether you call OR email me when making contact. Just don't text. Just. Don't. Oh, and calling me or emailing me 3 or more days later without a valid excuse will not automatically DQ you, but you will have ruined one night's worth of progress with me. Let's just leave it at that.

Scenario Three: Club/Concert:
Kind of difficult, but slightly better chances with me than at a bar.
1) Come up and say hi and introduce yourself during a lull in the performance/music or when I walk to the bar. Don't hover too long or stare at me or follow me to like, the bathroom, and wait for me to come out. Um, creepy.
2) Follow bar rules above, but with less talking, since we're both here to enjoy the music. Perhaps during lulls/intermissions we discuss the band/musician. That would be good. Very acceptable.
3) Ask me out using bar rules above.

Scenario Four: Coffeehouse, grocery store, or other public place
Even worse than a bar. Probably no good way to do this.

1 comment:

Nina said...

See, perhaps this is a cultural thing, but I find the 'bar-meet' really really creepy. And honestly, if a guy tried to buy a girl's drink in England? He would be the biggest creep in the world. Ew.

The coffee bar would work for me....Or a bookstore, or a CD store. Though the latter two are more challenging, because less time is actually spent there.

But apart from that! I agree with your "rules"....