I just need to feel you on top of me

Seriously, I've had it. I've been in this phase where I think I want a relationship of substance and depth, but the thought makes me cringe. I don't know why, I'm just very stuck in my ways and not willing to compromise right now. Thus, I'm not in a relationship or looking for one. I'm fine with this. Except for one thing.

I need, want, desire, hunger for some loving. I'm seriously frustrated, but I'm not into the casual thing. Nor, do I want to start a relationship just because I want sex on the regular. Nothings worse than dating a guy that the only reason you want him around is to have sex with him. So, I'm frustrated. I'm not happy. And this is affecting my wallet. Since I can't satisfy one urge, I've satisfied another.

I've been shopping. Shoes, purses, clothes. Mmmm. Though this does make me happy, I'm pretty sure I'd be happier with....

I need a big drink.


JerseySjov said...

girl, same here.
it's great being single and all, but sometimes you just really want a hug or something from a guy who likes/loves you.
"I've been in this phase where I think I want a relationship of substance and depth, but the thought makes me cringe."
that is so exactly where i'm at right now. i'm done with being single, but i don't know if i'm ready for or want a guy all over me all the time.

Lip Smacker said...

Dare I suggest a FWB (friends with benefits)??? All the love, none of the shame... Or at least, while you're on a retail binge, pick up a portable boy-friend (vibrator) to keep you happy in the intrim. ;)

Trixie Firecracker said...

HA you just took the words right out of my mouth because that is EXACTLY how I feel all the time now! Way to go!

As for...urges: go buy yourself a really really nice pretty vibrator and some top quality lube. A really pretty pink vibrator makes life so much sweeter!

Trixie Firecracker said...

That title still makes me laugh everytime I see it.

Nik said...

thanks trixie, i like it too. i think every girl past the age of 18 has the requisite toys. i'm talking about flesh and blood man. hmm

FWBs? been there done that. it's been fun, but i need a little more substance *shudder*

i have problems. serious problems