I Want...

I want (in no particular order)
1. To live on a tropical island
2. Have a million dollars(i'm not greedy) mysteriously deposited into my bank account monthly
3. Do good works. I'm going to need to do something with the 12 million a year.
4. Travel the world - on a private jet. I hate the lines at the airport.
5. Eat, and stay a size 6 forever
6. Have more time to read my favorite blogs, books, magazines
7. Hang out with the NB more. Our schedules are seriously conflicting right now. Can you say, frustrating?
8. Catch up on all the delicious sleep I'm missing out on
9. The perfect Bellini
10. To plan the perfect party for the last year of my 20s

What do you want?


JerseySjov said...

i, too, want to eat and stay a size 4-10 [depending on the store] forever.

other than that i want to surround myself with fabulous people, never take life too seriously, and find myself.

Trixie Firecracker said...

Eat, be a size 0 forever, and have several million to bank each month. A pair of Manolos would be nice too, but in all truth, just to be happy with what I have.

Trixie Firecracker said...

Eat, be a size 0 forever, and have several million to bank each month. A pair of Manolos would be nice too, but in all truth, just to be happy with what I have.

The Charming Hedonist said...

More time! I want more time with my friends, The IAM, my family, more time in general!

And to travel the world without having to worry about money!

And to be happy.

Think I'm just being greedy now?

Nik said...

this was just a random i want... as a woman it is my perogative to change my mind at any given time. :)