Overheard in The School Cafe

Where: The cafe at the school where most of us work at.

When: This morning.

Who: Random male student to a random female student.

Female student is looking over the breakfast choices, hovering, looking, hovering.

Male student stands creepily close, yet behind her.

Male student finally comes up next to her after 2 minutes.

"... so... Muffin tops... rock. They should totally sell just muffin tops. Do you like muffin tops?"

Girl: "um. Yeahhh...." (walks away with just her coffee in hand.)


T!! said...

That's so unfortunate...*single tear*

dj said...

hahahah! i actually think that's kinda funny. cause, really, they should just sell muffin tops.

T!! said...

I'm not disagreeing with the awesomeness of muffin tops, it's just that his attempt was so...not well executed...