Overhead In... (a new series)

Saturday night at Coachella, chilling, basking in the afterglow (or was it mild heatstroke?) of Justice's just-finished set, waiting for LCD Soundsystem to come on. Lucky me, I was all the way in front. Hurrah!!

3 pretty, stupid looking, and mad skinny girls behind me. Between 18 and 24. Stylish... 2 wearing cool mens-style hats. They talk amongst themselves. They ARE stupid, geez.

1 plain, dorky looking man behind the fence. Obviously press because of his wristband. In front and to the right of me. Small beer belly. Black hair. Trying to channel Jeremy Piven obviously, and failing.

Dork man couldn't stop staring at skinny bitches. Staring. Staring.

Creepy. Say something already. I can tell he's thinking. He's thinking TOO much. The girls are way out of his league. I notice his eye is especially on the hatless, blonde one. (go fig.)

I can tell this is going to be hilarious in a sad sad way. I can't help it. I had to watch. I was between them anyway.

10 minutes pass.


Say Something already or don't say anything at all.

He's gonna say something.

He taps blonde hatless on the shoulder.



"So... where's YOUR hat?"

Oh NO!!!!!

And... DQ!

Girls stare at him, blinking. 3 painful seconds pass. Girls tsk tsk and shake heads slowly. One rolls her eyes. Then...

One of the girls' hatted friends puts both her arms out and does thumbs down, pumping her arms up and down blatantly in front of dork-dude.

So sad... (and yet I laugh. I'm sorry.)

Man stands there trying to save face as girls turn backs to him. He smiles a little, twitches, sips his bottle of water.

Then he quickly walks away.

What's the lesson we learned here?

The floor is now open.

1 comment:

T!! said...

LESSON #1: Pick up lines are for chumps. If he would've just said "hi", he would've gotten WAY farther.

LESSON #2: If girls that are traveling in a pack dress in similar manners, they are bitches and should be avoided at all cost. Hit on at your own peril.