i think i'm dating a text-er...yeah, i know.

so, i have a gripe about dating (enter your surprised looks of shock and awe here).

it seems with the advancement of technology comes an excuse for laziness - or an expected acceptance for it i guess. case in point: guys (or girls) who equate dating with sending a few text messages over the course of a week. now, don't get me wrong, i am a big "text-er" myself...but i think it's only appropriate with people you've reached some sort of a comfort level with. (ie text: to: bff "let's figure out where were going tonight to pick up on some hot boys...call me bitch xo" = perfectly acceptable). what bothers me is having a fabulous, fun-filled date with someone where you leave thinking "wow, i'm glad i did this rather than stay home and paint my toenails." where you made the effort to actually shave your legs and brush your hair (quite an accomplishment if you ask me), only to get NOT a phone call 4 days later, but a text that says "hi." wtf. i mean really, what sort of response is this person expecting to elicit? uhhh....hi???

what gets even worse is when i do respond back (mistake #1, i know) and before i know it i'm engaged in a full-fledged text converstaion. again, fine if i've known you for say...oh i don't know...more than a week or two - but if you're trying (key word: trying) to get to know someone and make a good impression - you'd think texting and all it's glory would at least be saved till date #5...or never.

if you really want to impress and wow me with how fast your fingers and thumbs can move - i can think of other ways to show me that. i'm just saying...


Mo said...

I totally agree with you! By the way, he texted you with a hi 4 days after your date? I mean, a phone call 4 days after your date would be unacceptable, much less a text! (I'm totally anti "The Rules", including guys' rule of not calling a girl until 3 days after.)

I think this boy's lazy.

dj said...

sadly, i think you may be right. and lazy is SO not attractive. i've decided to 'step back' and let him do some work. cause now, in my opinion, he has alot more to do. stay tuned...