Truth and Honesty. Can We Really Handle It?

i had a conversation with a friend the other day about honesty and truth. i like to be as honest and as truthful as possible with people. i want them to be the same with me as well. however, people seem to get truth mixed up with hurting one's feelings, and they don't want to do that, so they lie. the lies aren't even good lies, just something that popped in their heads and it sounded good at first thought. like telling a friend you can't go out with them saturday because you're tired and shouldn't go out. then the next conversation you have with your friend, you spill the beans about this date you had with a cute guy. now your friend knows you lied and it hurts them twice as much because, first, you lied, then you did not have the decency to remember the lie you told. Just tell the truth. being honest does not mean you will hurt someones feelings. in addition, you won't have to deal with all the ass kissing you will have to do when you are caught in a lie. trust me. honesty is always the best policy.


T!! said...

And really, if one of you bitches got a date with a hot guy and that's why you couldn't go out, I'd congratulate your happy ass.

dj said...

as it should be. congratulatory comments are a definate requirement for date-getting.