Stop Touching Each Other

You see these couples all the time. The ones that think it's okay to show everyone how happy they are...except they show it a little too much. I'm not saying that you can't hold your honey's hand or link arms or put your hand in their ass pocket as you're walking through Disneyland (though that does make me want to wretch). I'm just saying that there is a line and some people cross it.

I was at Trader Joe's last week and saw several of them. One couple in particular. They were walking around with one arm around each other. The whole time. Shopping like that. With a hand basket. It was like watching a documentary about how conjoined twins function in society. He'd also kiss her on the head every few minutes. Ugh.

You know what? I get it. You guys are a couple, you're happy, you enjoy each other's company and you have sex on a regular basis. Awesome. Good for you.

Now keep that to yourselves. Because you know what I see when I look at you? I see two people who are so afraid of being alone that they can't let go of each other in public for more than two minutes for fear of losing them to some random person checking out that organic lotion at the end of aisle 5.

So, in conclusion, cut it the fuck out. I'd like to purchase my wheel of cheesecake in peace.


dj said...

so TRUE! even though i admit i'm a bit of a pda-er myself, there definitely is a time and place for certain behaviors. and really, walking around together literally attached at the hip is not cute. not even a little.

Nik said...

I agree. Their love makes me want to retch. :)

Nik said...
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Anonymous said...

The only couple behaviour that disturbs me more than what you described are the couples where the guy is HERDING the girl around.

You know what I mean. He's walking behind her almost like she's a shopping cart, and he's steering her around. With both arms around her the entire time, as if she will escape. Egads!