Pretty Guy of the Week: Sports Flavored Pretties #1.5

I just found this guy today and had to add him to the Rugby list. He's my new baby-making-practice partner...
3) Matt Cooper - Australia

Not only a celebrated Rugby player (and fine piece of ass), this 6'2 piece of man-candy also has a sense of humor. When asked who he'd want to play himself in a movie, he replied, "50-Cent". Which is high-larious since Matt doesn't look like a rabbit. Behold his chiseled goodness!

If any of you truly loved me, you'd get me him for my birthday.

Thanks to All Aussie Beef for the pictures. No. Really. Thank you.


Mo said...

Wow, really? Really?

T!! said...

I may have to move to New Zealand or NSW, Australia because hot damn!