The List

This past weekend I saw the movie Something New. In a nutshell, it's about an uptight African-American woman who falls in love with a laid back White guy. The woman had a list of what her perfect man would be and this guy didn't fit the bill at all . Love didn't happen until she threw away her list, stopped looking for the ideal and looked at what was right in front of her. This got me thinking about my list. Yes, I have a list. Every woman has a list and she's lying if she says she doesn't. I realized that not only do I have a list, but the damn thing is about a mile long. In evaluating the list I've found that most of the traits I want in a man is essential to our successful relationship. These traits aren't based on superficial things like, he has to have brown eyes or be six feet tall. No, my preferences are more like, he has to have a job, want a job, or create a job and whatever job he has it must be legal. I'm not trying to go upstate to the penitentiary just because your ass was trying to make a quick buck and didn't know what was in the package you were delivering. Neither am I taking collect calls from some trifling dude because he misses his boo. I digress. My list is simple, be sane, healthy, have common sense, plain sense and not come at me with nonsense. That's all. Is this too much to ask? Say it ain't so.


dj said...

no, definitely not too much to ask. but finding a guy with a job is trickier than one may think. trust me, i know.

T!! said...

I agree, completely not too much to ask for. Too bad all those guys seem to be in hiding...or hibernation. Like bears.