Men and Shirts Part II

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen!

I'm moving now to part two of our series on Flattering Shirt Options.

As you recall in part one, the #1 most flattering shirt out there is the tailored button down shirt. I also included some images of men in button-down shirts worn at their best. Before we move on, I want to show you examples of BAD button-down shirts/suits.

Example One:

Yes, yes. This is just... yeah. A yellow suit with a salmon tie? (Maybe it's not salmon, perhaps it's red, but still.) You would think that a former presidential candidate would make more of an effort. Or maybe not.

Example Two:
I'm really hoping this guy put this outfit together as a joke.

Example Three:
Ahhhhh, freakout!

Example Four:

Ok, so not SO bad, but there are a few things to point out. I don't think I'm feeling how small the collar is, although that's pretty acceptable. The sleeves are a tad too long for him I think - it's a touch bunchy. Please disregard the embroidered logo.

Ok! Now that all that's out of the way, let's move on...

Flattering Shirt Option #2: The Fitted Tee
This is ESPECIALLY flattering if you're one of the lucky men out there with a great upper body. What a way to tastefully show off your assets! Now, when I mean fitted, I don't mean TIGHT (although some guys do look wonderful in tight shirts... but I digress). What I mean is a shirt that fits WELL - sleeve hits mid to 3/4 down the upper arm, length just barely skimming the top of the hip, loose enough to give you comfort but not too loose as to "billow."

Even if you're not one of the lucky superfit guys, this top is still oh-so-flattering in that it forgives. You can be on the thin side or on the chunky side, and a perfect tee will still bless you. Unless you have a big belly, the fitted tee is your #1 arsenal in your cache of casual clothes.

The t-shirt is probably the most abused of all clothing items. There are entire CULTURES and subcultures out there that utilize the tee as an easy form of identity, the first one off the top of my head is the hip-hop uniform of the very oversized humong-oid white tee. But really, in my opinion, the perfectly fitted tee is something magical. When paired with dark rinse jeans and a really nice pair of casual sneaks, that's searching and destroying without making it look like you put too much effort! That balance of ease of effort with just a pinch of conscientious coordination IS the mark of a good dresser.

Good examples:

The tucked-in look can be a hit or miss, but here, it's a definite HIT.

Wow, aren't we having fun?

Absolutely perfect.

And... in honor of the iconic classic, the perfect white tee, enjoy.

Ah... and brothers-in-arms to the perfect tee is the perfect long-sleeve tee. So lovely. Such a great item for layering or wearing on its own! If you're broader, larger, or have a short or thick neck, a long-sleeve tee with a very slight v-neck (and I mean SLIGHT) is a great option.

Coming soon: Flattering Shirt Option #3, with honorable mentions

5 comments: said...

nice choice with the last pic, mo. everyone, please take a moment to behold the glory that is gael garcia bernal, also known as my number one.

T!! said...

This is a great series, Mo. Very informative and full of pretties. And I'd like to give a special shout-out to George Eads (the guy below George Clooney) who happens to be on my list. I'd make a cheesy "investigate me" joke's early and I don't feel like it.

dj said...

i also have another rule when it comes to the T. please, i beg you, please, don't wear t-shirts with stupid-ass sayings on them unless you're being totally ironic- and people GET that you're being ironic. for example, i purged MANY of an ex's T-shirts (that's right bitches-i straight out threw that shit in the TRASH) that had such thought-provoking phrases as "Kinky's" (as opposed to Kinko's), "Must be this tall to ride this ride" and a shirt that had a fabulous design on it -- but at a closer look, it was actually all the many (& fabulous)words for breasts (ie: tits, knockers, melons, get the point). *

* note: while i was fogiving of his singledom choices of t-shirts (call it naieve if you must), i now know i would not again be this forgiving in future potential partners. said...

uh, yeah. the fact that he owns those tees in the first place should be a tip-off. 'cause ew.

T!! said...

Kudos for getting rid of those t-shirts. I mean...just...yeah.

I want a shirt with a pretty design that's secretly nicknames for a guy's junk.

Because that's straight up classy. Only with a "k" instead of a "c".